Consolidate your AR Tax Codes

Consolidate your AR Tax Codes

With Simpler BAS, from 1 July 2017 small businesses will have less GST information to report on their BAS. The only GST information required will be: G1 Total sales 1A GST on sales 1B GST on purchases The following GST information will no longer be required: G2 Export...
What is Abandonment of Employment?

What is Abandonment of Employment?

Abandonment: Abandonment of Employment occurs when the employee “walks off the job” or fails to turn up to work. Equally, the employee fails to respond to enquiries from the employer about his or her non-attendance. It’s reasonable for the employer to be...
Simpler BAS

Simpler BAS

Simpler BAS Goods and services tax (GST) reporting on the business activity statement is getting easier for small business. This is due to a change to GST reporting called Simpler BAS – a partnership between the ATO, software developers, tax professionals and small...
Are you claiming GST Correctly?

Are you claiming GST Correctly?

Important Changes to Annual Leave If your activity statement is delayed it may have been to check that you haven’t claimed a personal expense as a business expense. When claiming GST credits remember: you can only claim a GST credit for goods or services used in...