Xero Training
Our training is one on one training where we can cover the topics you require for your specific situation. We can cover areas around banking, invoicing, purchases and Xero payroll.
We use the demonstration file in Xero and we use a video platform like Zoom. We show you how to do tasks in Xero and then ask you to do the same in your Xero file. This way you listen, observe and then complete on your computer. We then provide you with homework to do tasks and research to complete. This includes watching videos around specific areas on the Xero website.
Xero Training

Learn Xero for your business
In our high intensity Xero training course we teach you Xero basics in a one on one training environment. We will teach you the skills required in Xero for a small business to run efficiently. We provide on-going support in Xero for additional questions or queries.
Types of user this Xero training suits:
- Business Owners
- Business Partners
- Accounts Person
- Administration Person
How we help different types of users in Xero
Business Owner
Goal: Who wants to know more about their business
- Gain control of your finances
- Save money on accounting fees
- Learn how to pay staff correctly
- Learn about the industry awards
- Bank reconciliations
- Understanding of Bookkeeping
Goal: Obtaining a new job or upskilling
- Learn specific skills for a particular role
- Learn new skills quickly
- Learn bookkeeping skills
Accounts or Bookkeeper
Goal: Obtaining more advanced knowledge in specific areas
- Improve knowledge of Xero
- Improve speedy up processing and using advanced features of Xero

Type and location of Xero Training
We train people at our office, their office or via Zoom. We discuss the best possible platform with our participant.
We offer Xero training Melbourne, Xero training Sydney, Xero training Adelaide and Xero training Perth.

Main advantages of our Xero training
- We only cover the areas you require
- Training can be conducted at your premises
- We can train clients on their own Xero business file at their premises
- We offer back up support
- You pay per hour not per person, so this is an economic solution

Our Trainer
Elizabeth is a Xero Trainer and is a certified Xero advisor who has over two decades of experience training and working with Small Businesses to help them set up, install and operate their accounting package. She has also published MYOB training material and she is the only accredited MYOB author for www.lynda.com from Australia.
Xero Training Topics
Frequently Asked Questions To Learn Xero
Where is the training conducted?
All our training is conducted via Zoom video conferencing. There is no need to attend a training room. This training can be done at a convenient location for you.
What topics are covered?
The topics covered are decided by you. We ask what are the reasons for your training and goals. For example if the training is for a specific job, we only cover the areas required for the role. Or if the person is a business owner, we cover the areas required for running their business operations. We speak with you to find what you will be using your Xero knowledge for. We will also guide you with our industry experience.
This is like a Xero accounting course, as we show you how to use Xero for every day business purposes.
How long will the course take?
The course is a customised course and is tailored for your specific requirements. Once we know what you want covered we can advise on the duration. As a general rule it is 2 hour for the initial training and then 1 hour for any future training.
How much is the course?
We charge on an hourly basis and it is $110 per hour. You can book 1 hour training and see how much you can cover ion this time. And then book another time for further training. We offer a very flexible training alternative.
Will there be other people in the course?
No, we offer customised training, specifically for your requirements. There is no waisted time to learn things in Xero, which you do no need to know.
What happens if the training is not right for me?
If in the first 15 minutes you do not find the training meets your requirements, we will not charge you for this time. Just let us know and we will cancel your training.
Can I rebook another training session?
Absolutely, nearly every one of our clients rebook for future training. This can be around one specific area and can be for a short duration.
Do you offer on-going support?
We offer on-going support for questions and issues which might come up after the training.
Who is the trainer? What experience do they have?
Elizabeth would be your trainer and guide in Xero. A little about Elizabeth who will be conducting the training. She is a is a certified Xero Silver Partner and BAS Agent who has over two decades of experience training and working with Small Businesses to help them set up, install and operate their accounting package. She is the only accredited MYOB author for www.lynda.com from Australia.
How do we access Xero?
It depends on your requirements. If you are currently using Xero, we can teach you how to use your own Xero, by allowing us to access. Alternatively, we can use the training file provided by Xero.
