Xero Training

We offer Xero training to individuals.  We train people who are currently working with Xero or people who are looking to learn Xero for the first time.

We have 3 levels of Xero training to cater for a student’s experience:

  • No experience using Xero
  • Have used Xero but not very well
  • Experienced user of Xero

There are 3 types of people who require Xero training from us. 

  • The business owner
  • Someone looking to get a job using Xero
  • Bookkeeper or Accounts person looking to improve knowledge

We cater our training to match our students requirements.

The topics in Xero we cover but are tailored to students requirements

  • Invoicing
  • Banking
  • Inventory
  • Payroll
  • Reports

Our training structure is the same for all 3 types of client types. 

  • We ask what they want to achieve from the training,
  • Why are they doing the training
  • What are their goals.

Identification of requirements

We have a discussion with our clients to find out their requirements around Xero and what they specifically need help around. 

Xero Training Structure

We show you how to do tasks in Xero and then ask you to do the same in your Xero file.  This way you listen, observe and then complete on your computer.  We then provide you with homework to do tasks and research to complete.  This includes watching videos around specific areas on the Xero website.

Type and location of Xero Training


One on One Training via Video Conferencing

Screen sharing is another online training solution for our Xero training. A trainer with a connection to your computer is able to walk or guide the student through specific steps as they work. The instructor and student can communicate with each other, usually via voice over IP or telephone.  The trainer will use a demonstration file or your Xero file.


Main advantages of our Xero training over conventional Xero classroom training.

  • We only cover the areas you require
  • We can train clients on their own Xero business file at their premises
  • We offer back up support
  • You pay per hour not per person, so this is an economic solution
  • Learn from a convenient location-no need to travel to training
  • Quicker to learn than conventional training

Special Xero Pricing Package

We are offering special pricing for training.  Please provide your details for a discounted training voucher.

Contact us for our training special on Xero

7 + 6 =

Our Xero Credentials

Elizabeth is an accredited Xero Partner who has over two decades of experience training and working with Small Businesses to help them set up, install and operate their accounting packages.  She has also published training materials and she is the only accredited MYOB author for www.lynda.com from Australia.  As well as a Qualified Cert IV Workplace Trainer & Assessor.

To view further information about Elizabeth Haverfield please visit her profile.

We have been achieving great results with businesses for over 15 years

Contact us Ph 03 9988 2030 or info@limeresults.com.au for a chat about your requirements.