Xero Payroll Help
Wages include:
Base salary, Other salary, Base hourly, Other hourly, Commissions, Overtime, Holiday pay, Sick pay (hrs per year), Bonuses, Time in lieu worked and Time in lieu paid.
Entitlements include:
- Holiday leave accrual
- Sick leave accrual
- Time in lieu
Superannuation includes:
- Salary sacrifice
- Employee additional super
- Super Guarantee
- Spouse super
Deductions include:
- Union fees
- Other Deductions
- Set-up of employee classifications (to be printed on payroll advice)
Employee wages payment method
Applied to Jobs through time billing, Applied to Jobs (through timesheets), Paid weekly, Paid fortnightly, Paid monthly, Paid by cash, Paid by direct debit (modem to bank), Paid by direct debit (disk/faxed to bank), Paid by direct debit (Internet), Paid by cheque, M-Powered Products
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